live a life you love, and start creating

Ready to Elevate?



and start creating

Does this sound familiar?Ā 

You were kind of a big deal in the corporate world.

There was the fancy title on the business card, the corner office, promotions, accolades, business travel and dinners - the whole shebang.

But then something happenedā€¦

Maybe you got burnt out from the endless hours you gave to the company at the sacrifice of yourself and your family?

Maybe you got sick and tired of the politics and red tape?

Maybe you were the victim of workplace bullying or harassment?

Maybe you got a nice redundancy package?


Regardless of what happened you finally recognised that you are worth more than any corporate position could offer you and made the brave decision to leave the corporate world behind.

    • You are hard working…
    • You are smart…
    • You are an expert in your field…
    • You have consistently delivered results…
    • You know deep down that you run rings around the other (typically male) leaders you worked with…

So, how hard could it be?

You could go out on your own and work when you want, where you want and with whomever you want and do it all your way.

You fantasised about no longer being accountable to anyone and having so much more freedom, flexibility.

You could feel inside you that you were made for more, you wanted to help more people in a better way and have more impact.

So you do it! You set up your own business.

The first little while is amazing. You’re signing clients, you’re getting referrals, you’re feeling a little drunk on the euphoria that you have actually done this and you are growing your own business (maybe even more quickly than your conservative projections).

But somewhere along the way (probably when you hit the $15-$25k/month mark) it started to feel harder.

The honeymoon period is wearing off and you’re losing the love for your own business.

There are a couple of high maintenance clients that are dragging you down.

The initial flurry of referrals is slowing down to a trickle.

To top that off you are getting sick of the long hours.

The admin and constant customisation of proposals is filling you with dread.

And the hustling that you promised would be for just a short time while you established yourself, but it now seems endless.

You know with your business growth plateauing you need to do more marketing, but it’s not your strength.

You feel too close to your own business to know what to focus on and even when you have good ideas you don’t have enough time to implement them because you’re so busy in all of the other aspects of your business.

You’re frustrated because you feel like no one quite gets what you’re doing and even though your current clients love you, you aren't attracting enough of the right clients to have you seen and heard in the right rooms, or right industries.

You’re tired, overwhelmed and stuck.

You know you don’t want to go back to corporate. Some days it is tempting. You still get the odd recruiter calling you with an opportunity and when you look at the salary for a 9-5 vs. how hard you’re working to make what you make in your business you question if you’ve made the right decision.

You know deep down that you’d never actually only work 9-5 if you went back to your old type of role and you know you have way more potential in your own business than working for someone else. You know your work matters and you can help more people, but there's this little voice of doubt inside still questioning if you did the right thing.

More than anything, you don’t want to give up and go back. You want to prove to yourself and others that you can make this work, but you know something needs to change.

It’s not sustainable to keep running your business the way you are now.

So you try all the things…

You post on social media, you cold-called, you follow the advice of countless coaches and work so much that burn out feels like an everyday part of your existence. The overwhelm of making another decision, or the horror of thinking about starting over has all become too much because NOTHING you have tried has helped your business grow sustainably.

You’ve realised that it takes more than your current level of skill and support to make it work.

that it didn’t have to be this way?

Imagine if in this new season you could…

    • Blast past that magical million dollar mark, while working way less than you do right now.
    • Have the strategy and roadmap you need to take to ensure growth in your business across the next few months, and specific milestones for the next few years so you can move forward with clarity and not get distracted by shiny objects.
    • Stop doing the parts of your business that fill you with dread (bye bye admin) and instead spend the majority of your time doing the stuff you actually enjoy like consulting, speaking, training, facilitating or coaching.
    • Consistently magnetise your dream clients and sign them with ease (without EVER doing a customised proposal again).
    • Better package and commercialise your IP so you can command higher prices.
    • Finally have time for creative space to work on the stuff you have only dreamed about doing (did someone say itā€™s time for your first or next book launch?).
    • Implement sales strategies and tactics so you can sell more on autopilot, without feeling icky and salesy.
    • Have a network of like-minded business leaders around you so that you always have the support you need when you need it, because you refuse to be lonely at the top - but doing it without having to go to another boring networking event (you know the ones that pretend they are going to be super valuable, but really are just a room full of vendors trying to sell to you and all you walk away with is a purse full of business cards destined for the bin?).
    • Get lots of speaker requests at a rate you once only dreamed of?
    • Build a brand with a phenomenal reputation in your niche, so you become the go-to expert in your field.
    • Be unapologetically and authentically yourself in your business and release impostor syndrome.
    • Take the downtime you need rather than feeling guilty and having to grind every single day to feel like youā€™ve earned your successes. Finally, break that corporate mindset that was conditioned into you for so many years. Sleep in, go to the beach at lunch time or take a three or four day weekend every single week. Ultimately itā€™s about getting more time back to chill, and do the things you love - the things you told yourself you would do when you left corporate, but havenā€™t got around to yet. Maybe itā€™s more time with family, more travel or pursuing a secret passion project.
    • Reignite your passion and fall back in love with your business, so you can focus more on whatā€™s next.
    • Build wealth for your next life phase, so you can retire early and live the life you always dreamed of and worked so hard for.
    • Create more space to enable you to focus on leaving a legacy through contribution, volunteering, board roles etc.
    • Sounds like a dream but it is possibleā€¦
    • You can have it all and you donā€™t have to figure it all out on your own.

You can have it all and you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.


Introducing Elevate With Janine Garner

THE leading program for seasoned women in business who want to be more than just women in business. For the women who want to have it all, create an impact, and have the drive to make it happen.

Elevate is the place where you can create the business you have always dreamed of, welcome great profits, and connect with the right people WITHOUT your business becoming shackles instead of your lifetime’s legacy, without the inauthenticity of playing small, or the debilitating overwhelm of not knowing where to go next.

Inside Elevate, you will learn how to:

  • Become the AUTHORITY and nail your MARKET POSITIONING. This is the first step to unlocking your full potential and stepping up into your brilliance. This is how we help secure your position as an expert in your field and increase your value in your market so that you can do more of the work you love.
  • Take full ownership of your business and your legacy. Once you know the BUSINESS EMPIRE you want to create we will give you a step by step roadmap and business strategy that drives you forward. This will ensure that you not only win at work but get to live the life you’ve always dreamed of as well.
  • WELCOME PROFIT into your business. Learning how to run a business is a whole different ball game to starting a business. I'll show you everything you need from strategy to pricing, to crafting your offers and creating structure in your business so that it scales effortlessly.
Book a Connection Call

If you’ve ever felt like no one gets you, if you’re tired of cookie cutter programs, if you want someone to be brutally honest with you, you’re going to want to keep reading…

What if you had a mentor who had already achieved the results you want and is willing to teach you how to build a business on your terms?

What if you could have long term scalability and success, without your business becoming soul sucking or negatively impacting your lifestyle?

What if you could re-find happiness, ease and joy in your business and had someone in your corner fighting with you through thick and thin to make it happen for you?

What if you could have all the keys you need to unlock business growth to use when and how you wanted?

You can have all that and more inside ELEVATE.

The ELEVATE Difference

ELEVATE is not a quick, cheap and dirty process. It is an ongoing connection and mentorship program that is designed to help you scale your business sustainably so that you can finally create the impact you desire.

This is designed for you if you feel like you’ve been stuck at $15k-$30k months, are sick of a hyper-masculine approach to business and marketing, want a strategy that works without fail and deep down you know it is time for you to grow.

We will reach your revenue goals, while simultaneously aligning you to your purpose so that you can step into your power without getting bogged down in all the wrong tactics and burning out because nothing seems to be happening.

Unlike cookie cutter programs that give you generic business tips for when you are just starting out (because you’ve already got the experience and results and you aren’t just starting out) to get you to “6-figures in 6 weeks”, I offer you a personalised business strategy that focuses on the right steps that you can take right now to achieve your goals rather than just an arbitrary number someone else has decided for you.

After all, your business is unique. You are not a cookie cutter of someone else. You aren’t trying to mimic someone else’s success, you want to achieve your own for you and your family.

You have unique experience, unique IP and your way of serving your clients. This is long term success not short term monetary clout.

Imagine dramatically reducing the time it takes for your business to scale. Because I believe in you and I believe in what you are doing, I know that your 10-year plan is probably achievable.

But what if you could have those same results in 5 years? Or 2 years? Or even 1 year?


When you join Elevate you can expect 

More Clarity

Build your unique roadmap for growing YOUR business in an aligned way that feels manageable.

More Clients

Learn my A-Grade Client GETTING System that shows you how to market in a way that magnetises your dream clients to COME TO YOU instead of you constantly having to chase and deal with time wasters.

More Cash

Optimise your business and uncover hidden opportunities to INCREASE YOUR REVENUE but more importantly your profits.

More Confidence

Step into your power, be at the peak of your game, create long-lasting habits and ERADICATE BURNOUT in your business.

More Connection

Build your 7-figure network with amazing individuals who CHAMPION MUTUAL SUCCESS (without wasting hours on superficial connections).

More Collaboration

Create opportunities through strategic partnerships to build SUSTAINABILITY AND GROWTH.



Often as women we are told we can’t have it all. If we pursue a career we are neglecting our families. Or if we pursue family life, we are wasting our potential. But all of this is just society's way of getting us to play small.

Inside ELEVATE you will get shown the secrets to having it all and be surrounded by other women championing you and inspiring you to live your life and run your business on your terms.

Within weeks of joining the ELEVATE program I’ve seen dozens of women smashing their monthly revenue goals when they had previously been stuck for years. We’ve had multiple women break through the 7-figure barrier and become million dollar business leaders. All of this without the stress, without the burnout, and without the inauthenticity that can come in the business world.

Inside Elevate you can expect to go

By just stepping up into your power, forming the right connections, and having a strategy designed for you not for the masses you will notice insane growth in half the time you are expecting. It’s Time to ELEVATE Your Business…


But don’t just take my word for it,

hear it from some of our ELEVATE members

I have smashed my target of $50k this month by $15k and achieved the largest quarter in the biz so far and brings me in line, if I can maintain it, to double my business revenue. Thanks for helping me to focus!!


Janine has a very savvy, no-nonsense and pragmatic approach to her mentoring. Her extensive corporate background and marketing expertise made her the obvious choice to assist in the growth and development of my business. I have enjoyed working with Janine and can highly recommend her as someone who has the skills, integrity and professionalism required of a great mentor.


I launched a group coaching program and sold out 4 times over. I'm now at $40k months and have achieved the biggest profit since I started my business.


Claire, Jenny and Marie, it’s time you took the plunge and investigated if ELEVATE is right for you.

Iā€™m ready to uplevel my business

Here’s what you get once you start

your ELEVATE journey:

  • Personalised Onboarding 
    2 x private mentoring session so that you can accelerate your first 90 days results.
  • Fortnightly Accelerate Sessions
    Never stop developing the mastery to grow your business. These sessions are deep dive learning sessions and hot seat interviews facilitated by Janine to help you keep sharpening the saw and elevating your business.
  • Quarterly Game Plan Sessions
    Lock in a clear plan of action each 90 days to keep you laser focused on your plan to ELEVATE your business and achieve results. No more trying to figure out what you should be doing, it will all be mapped out and engineered to allow you to build your business without the extra noise..
  • Simple Step-By-Step Training
    Get access to the ELEVATE Online Academy filled with 50+ training videos, workbooks and frameworks to help you build your business in the most efficient and effective way possible. Think of it like Netflix for your business - you get 24/7 access to watch what you want when you want and implement at a pace that suits you.out the extra noise..
  • Monthly Masterclass Sessions
    Check out the contacts on Janine’s phone and you will see she has access to some of the best and most brilliant minds. Industry experts that are rocking it real time and at the forefront of leading strategies. Janine invites one of these experts in each month to generously share the strategies and tactics that you need to know before your peers find out.out the extra noise..
  • SOS Calls
    What you get access to each week is usually more than enough to support you on your journey, but on the odd occasion you need more support, unlike other programs we are here for you. You get access to 1:1 support calls when you need an extra helping hand. out.out the extra noise..
  • Fortnightly Coaching Sessions
    No more cookie cutter advice without understanding you and your business. Bring your questions to these accountability style group coaching sessions and push past roadblocks, maintain momentum and drive amazing results together.
  • Executive Network
    You’ll have access to some of the most brilliant women inside the ELEVATE VIP Lounge. This incredible community hosted inside a Facebook group is where you can ask for help, celebrate wins and collaborate more.


For a limited time only when you join ELEVATE you will get an additional 90 minute 1:1 with Janine to map out your first 90 days inside the program. During this personalised Game Plan session we will together build a customised roadmap for you to accelerate your results and give you clarity on exactly where to invest your time.

let’s recap what you would get access to in just 

  • BONUS 1 x One-on-One Personalised Roadmap Session [value: $2,500]
  • 2 x Personalised onboarding sessions[value: 4,000]
  • 1 x Quarterly Game Plan Session [value: $5,000]
  • 6 x Coaching Sessions [value: $15,000 ]]
  • 6 x Accelerate Sessions [value: $15,000]
  • Unlimited SOS Calls

Plus 24/7 access to

  • ELEVATE Online Academy [value: $100,000]
  • ELEVATE VIP Lounge

That’s over $150,000 value in just your first 3 months, but I’ve got to be honest with you… That’s not the real value.

The real value is the increase in revenue you will see when you implement ELEVATE strategies and your business starts to soar.

The real value is in the relationships you will build inside the community where one introduction can be a game changer for your business.

The real value is in the complete clarity you will have that puts an end to the sleepless nights with your brain filled with the mental load of trying to figure it out on your own.

The real value is in the time you will get back as you optimise and streamline your business, time to finally spend doing all the things you have always wanted to do.

The real value is priceless…


What if you could take away all these worries and replace them with years of business experience, someone who could hold your hand through all the nail biting decisions to make and make sure that you were on the path to success.

What if...

  • You had a mentor who as well finally helping you get the cash results you are chasing
  • You had a mentor who teaches you how to build a business on your terms.
  • It was about long term scalability and reward without your business becoming soul sucking or it negatively impacting your lifestyle
  • You could re-find the happiness, success and joy in your business?
  • You had somone in your corner fighting with you through thick and thin?

Build your authority, become a leader in your industry.

Turn clunky revenue into regular new leads and start benefiting from more sales and more profit in your business NOW.

Because you deserve you be seen and heard and you are worthy or more success like Kat who nailed her pricing strategy, launched new products and tripled her revenue through the program.

Janine brings so much passion, knowledge and energy to the program. While being in a safe place, Janine pushes you out of your comfort zone, makes you think, reassess and align your actions with your goals. I have tripled my revenue since working with Janine


Since joining the program, I’ve become clearer in my value proposition for my ideal clients and have more confidence in following my own path. I have launched a new program and started two new joint venture partnerships (with more to come).


The brilliance in Janine’s program is how she is able to take big ideas, complex plans and overwhelming to do lists and break them down in to manageable actionable and achievable strategies.

I want to join these ladies!



The key areas we cover:

Introducing your mentor on this journey…

Hi! I’m Janine Garner.


After spending 20 years working for high-profile brands like Ralph Lauren, Oroton, Jaeger, Sainsbury’s Homebase and Citizen Watches, I finally decided to go out on my own.

It was a pivotal moment of my life and after lots of trials and errors, I became a highly sought-after high-ticket consultant, keynote speaker, educator and author. I’ve worked with thousands of high-profile business owners from around the world and helped countless of Australia’s top 50 ASX companies and multinationals – EY, CBRE, DXC Technology, Hewlett Packard, Microfocus, Optus and CBA to name a few.

I also built and sold my own business, established a not-for-profit to help disadvantaged women and children in grass roots Australia, and won countless awards for my work including receiving an Honorary Doctorate of Science.

I am the 3 x best-selling author of Be Brilliant - How to Lead a Life of Influence, It's Who You Know – How A Network of 12 Key People can Fast-Track Your Success and From Me To We – Why Commercial Collaboration Will Future Proof Business, Leaders and Personal Success.

All of that sounds great on paper, but my real passion is helping women like you be able to write bios that sound even more impressive than my own.

I quite frankly got tired of seeing other women struggle while trying to follow a similar path to my own and be given bad advice or being taken advantage of by charlatans in the process.

So I took my decades of experience and threw myself into becoming the best mentor I could be. I became a Global Thought Leaders Partner and graduated from Harvard’s Leadership program and then embarked on helping hundreds of women like you ELEVATE their business and ELEVATE their life.

When women succeed at work and at life the ripple effect is enormous and it is this collective impact that drives me to show up for my clients each and every day.

My goal is to help over 1000 women build profitable, sustainable and successful businesses in the next 5 years, so they can make the impact on the planet that they want to make. But… I’m still going to enjoy life, take care of myself, be an awesome wife, and be a present parent to my three teenage children. I need to role model to you, what is possible for you.

I’d like you to be one of those 1000 women. I’d like to be a small part of your journey, hold your hand and guide you every step of the way.

When you work with me it’s like having a tiger mum.

You have the power, and I help you own it. With laser-sharp focus and a bias for action, I listen fiercely to shape the strategy that gets the results you want. I help determine what actions serve you best. I’m not interested in helping you build a business that pleases others. This is about you. It’s personal.

If you are to unlock sales, build your authority, and nail your market position, you must become an advocate for what serves YOU. Once there, I guide you with energy and enthusiasm through all the nail-biting decisions and results-driven next steps.

With a knack for making the complex doable, I journey with you toward long-term scalability and cash rewards, so you can build the future you want on your terms without risking burn-out.

I know this reality is possible because I see more in my clients than they see in themselves. I am tenacious, and if someone tells me I can’t, I will find a way! It’s what I’ve always done.


Other coaches will tell you how to make money, but with decades of experience under my belt I will show you how to grow a wildly successful business.

WARNING: ELEVATE is NOT right for everyone.

Who it’s for - women who are

  • Looking for a sustainable way to scale their business
  • Tired of playing small and want to take action
  • Open to new ways of doing business
  • Believe in collaboration over competition, they want to raise up other women so we all win together
  • Wanting to build a legacy and create wealth
  • Focused on authenticity in their business and growing it in an aligned way

Who it’s not for - women who are

  • Looking for a magic bullet or quick fix
  • Happy where they are and not ready to do the work
  • Believe the current way of doing things in their business is the only way
  • Only interested in their own success
  • Only worried about making some quick cash now
  • Want to mimic whatever new bro marketer trend that is happening this week
This is for me!

If you’re reading this and you know you want to join ELEVATE, but you’re nervous about taking the plunge, I get it.

There’s the ingrained belief that we should be able to figure it out ourselves. There’s the element of having to trust someone with the behind the scenes of your business, be a little vulnerable and let go. Then maybe there’s the fear of being burnt, because if you haven’t been let down by a program that didn’t live up to its promises or know someone else in business that’s had that happen are you even really in business?

I believe 100% in what I do and how I help women transform their business and their lives, but the truth is that ELEVATE is a program where your results will be a reflection of your actions. The strategies and roadmaps inside ELEVATE work. We’ve seen them work hundreds of times and you have the support to get them to work for you and your business, but it only works if you do. Think of it like push ups. A personal trainer can teach you how to do the best pushups and give you a program to improve your pushups, support you as you follow your program but if you never actually do the pushups you won’t get results.

That’s why we have an application process. We need to make sure that you’re ready for ELEVATE, and to take the action you need to take to thrive inside the program.

We also need to make sure that we’re a fit for each other, I know I’m not everyone’s cup of tea and I’m sure you’re not either (life would be boring if we were!). Fit is everything when it comes to communities.

The good news is that if you are invited to join I’m certain you are going to love it and thrive inside.

But to remove the risk and give you more confidence about investing in yourself and your business I have a 30 day Love It or Leave It guarantee. That means if for any reason in the first 30 days, you decide ELEVATE isn’t right for you, you can leave.

That way you have nothing to lose and everything to gain…



But don’t just take my word for it, hear it from some of our ELEVATE members

I've had my biggest sales month ever which saw me exceed my stretch sales target by $100k. I'm still in a bit of shock!


When I started working with Janine, I was lost drifting along with no motivation and feeling very much out on my own with no one to lean on. Now I feel I have much clearer direction for my coaching business.. I have already secured 4 new clients and started a group coaching wing to my business which I am excited about.


I filled my group coaching program plus I've had 2 women come back to me who originally sought proposals for 11 last year.


I am in awe of how Janine manages to make the incredibly complex seem so doable. She has the ability to see things from above, within and in the future to enable the team to excel through collaboration. She has shown incredible generosity and gone over and above in services. If you have a chance to work with Janine or to learn from her in anyway, I would take it immediately! I certainly won't be letting go of her counsel now I have it.




When the business world feels overwhelming and we feel paralysed by the decisions we need to make it can feel easier to play it safe. To stick to what you know and stay in your comfort zone. To stay small and swim in your one lane so you don’t tread on anyone’s toes.

The downside is that it’s what keeps you playing at the same level.

If you want different results you need to take different actions.

Still Got Questions?


What is your inaction costing you? How much time have you wasted staying stuck and trying to figure it out on your own?

I know firsthand the ways in which women in business are often bullied, belittled, or told that we will never be enough. And I want you to be living proof to you that it’s not true.

It’s time to let your flag fly, to start being the flamingo in the flock of pigeons. You know deep inside you that you’re better than the pigeons, so it's time to stop playing small. You have so much potential for brilliance in your business and in your personal life, without having to sacrifice anything. We all have 24 hours in a day, so how are you going to be spending yours? Stuck in overwhelm, or elevating your business and your life?

If you’ve read this far and you’re still on the fence I’d encourage you to book a right fit call by clicking here.

It’s completely no obligation and there’s no slimy sales. It’s simply a call with one of my amazing team to chat about you and your business, discuss if you would be the right fit for Elevate and answer any questions you have.

Sound good?

Book now